Al-Ruwad Environmental Services Center

The Center includes the following departments (click for info):
Cleaning of Cities and Buildings
Environmental Pollution Control
Waste and Debris Transportation
Handling and Stevedoring
Insects and Rodents Control

Given the importance of cleaning services in preserving the general environment, and how their quality reflects elegantly on the image of Kuwait as an entire nation, Al Ruwad Environmental Services Center: City and building cleanliness contracting specializes in public cleanliness affairs. The Center offers a collection of cleaning services for the following: Cleaning streets and sidewalks, Cities, Industrial and residential compounds, Ministries, Oil refineries and factories, Hospitals and clinics, Sports and touristic facilities, Houses and residential apartments, Public squares. We have the newest equipment and cleaning-specific tools. We also provide efficient chemical products and trained and specialized workers in order to guarantee the premium quality of our services. Our center has thus distinguished itself in this field, which encouraged many governmental institutions and private companies to contract with us in order to benefit from our special services.
The establishment of Al Ruwad Environmental Services Center underlines the necessity and importance of preserving the environment of Kuwait from all types of medical pollutants and waste. Through our Center, we provide the following distinguished services: Collecting waste from hospitals and medical clinics, Providing special medical waste bags in different types and sizes, Transporting waste in safe and specialized vehicles, Destroying waste by burning it in specialized centers according to the Ministry of Health and the Environment Public Authority’s requirements, Making sure to renovate the vehicles and garbage transportation means and used equipment and maintaining them in order to guarantee the quality of the offered services. Our Center continuously seeks to improve and develop its services which led us to achieve an advanced position in this field. This stimulated numerous public hospitals, clinics and medical centers inside Kuwait to work with us in order to benefit from our distinguished services.
The types of environmental pollution cover air pollution, pollution of water and soil and the pollution resulting from the solid wastes and toxic wastes and pollution of beaches.
Al Ruwad Environmental Services Center: Handling and Stevedoring operates in harmony with the network of Ruwad Company for General Trade and Contracting, particularly in collaboration with the Ruwad United Center for the Transportation of Goods. These different services complete each other in order to answer all your needs as to transportation, shipment and unloading. Our Center executes shipment, unloading and handling as follows: - Goods shipment to containers (whether it is a plane, a ship, a truck or other) - Unloading goods from containers to the storing location - Abiding by the shipment, unloading and handling principles and regulations - Maximizing the use of space to fit the largest quantity of goods possible into the location - Minding the type of goods while depositing them and the proper way to handle them - Hiring cadres and highly specialized employees to execute the missions - Using the newest technologies and methods of shipping, unloading and transporting goods - Preserving all transported goods and avoiding all types of losses - Providing special around-the-clock and all-week-days services Consequently, our Center was able to attain a high position in the logistics solutions field, with all the professional services it provides in dealing with all types of shipping, unloading and handling of goods. We always seek to offer the best to our clients, for we are aware of the role of these services in the development of the region both commercially and economically.
Due to the threat on human health posed by the diseases and viruses being transferred by the insects and rodents, the control of insects and rodents has become one of the environmental priorities in our daily life. We at Al Ruwad Environmental Services Center use the latest scientific means to relieve you from all kinds of insects and rodents problems with the expertise of engineers approved by the Ministry Health and with the help of effective and safe materials and trained personnel.

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Agricultural work in the External Sites of the Main Factories and Technical Services
2/7/2007 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:و ك م / ع ص 3628 – 2007 /2008
Providing specialized workers for animal production management
3/8/2002 Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources
Tender No:ه ز – م م – 13 – 2001 / 2002
Agricultural work for Kuwait Municipality's Installations and Facilities
2005-2006 Kuwait Municipality
Tender No:ب ك / أ أ / 4 – 2005 / 2006
Providing specialized workers for animal production management
16/5/2006 Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs
Tender No:ه ز / م س / 6 / 2005 - 2006
Agricultural work in the Technical Services Administration's External Sites
2/8/2007 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:و ك م / ع ص / 3628 – 2007 / 2008
Laundry Service - Governmental
30/1/2006 Ministry of Defense
Tender No:1242905
Laundry Service - Governmental
10/8/2002 Ministry of Defense
Tender No:6712900
Laundry Service - Governmental
18/3/2006 Ministry of Education
Tender No:عقد غسيل وكي ملابس طلاب وطالبات الثكنات الداخلية
Security Services for Kuwait Municipality's Buildings and Branches
28/10/2006 Kuwait Municipality
Tender No:16 /2005-2006
Security Services for Schools and Buildings of the Capital Educational Area
22/10/2007 Ministry of Education
Tender No:198
Security Services for the Ministry of Information Sites
17/9/2005 Ministry of Information
Tender No:و أ /ش م / 17564
Security Services for the Public Authority for Industry
15/5/2005 Public Authority for Industry
Tender No:16 /2005
Security Services for the Company's offices and Branches
15/10/2003 Kuwait Oil Tanker Company
Tender No:Adm-33
Security Services for the Administrative, Information System and Housing Buildings
4/9/2004 Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense
Tender No:242582041
Security and Reception Services for the Administration and its Subsidiary Buildings
2/8/2004 Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Tender No:22 /2004-2005
Security Services for the Administrative and Housing Buildings and the Information System Center
4/9/2002 Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبانى ادارة الاسكان ومركز نظم المعلومات
Security and Reception Services
24/4/2006 Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه والاستقبال لمبانى الصندوق الكويتي للتنمية
for the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Tender No:NA
Security Services for the Police Officers Club Building
21/2/2005 Ministry of Interior - Kuwait Police Officers Club
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبنى شرطه
Security Services for the Central Market
13/7/2005 Ministry of Interior - Police Cooperative Society
Tender No:عقد الامن والحراسه للسوق المركزي
Security Services for the Housing Administration and its New Subsidiary Buildings
23/9/2009 Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبانى الاسكان الجديده
Security Services for the Administration's Spring Camp
17/12/2009 Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense
Tender No:2414731090
Providing Security Services for the Buildings subsidiary to the Ministry of Defense
12/12/2009 Ministry of Defense
Tender No:2414731090
Security Services for the Jahraa and Farwaniya Health Districts
5/8/2008 Ministry of Health
Tender No:ص / م أ م / 160 / 2007 / 2008 – 21
Contract for Providing 6 Security Officers for the American Cultural Center
13/1/2012 National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters
Tender No:عقد توفير عدد 6 أفراد امن للمركز الامريكى الثقافي
Providing Security Services for the Ministry of Public Works Buildings and Facilities
28/10/2007 Ministry of Public Works
Tender No:إ م م / 1 / 3 / 2009 - 2010
Security Services for Public Buildings located in the Jaber Al-Ahmad Housing City
8/8/2010 Public Authority for Housing Welfare
Tender No:م ع ر س / ع/ 1136 /2009- 2010
Security Supervisors for the Faculties and Institues of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
25/12/2011 Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
Tender No:203 / 2009 - 2010
Janitorial services and public services at the headquarters of the Authority and its affiliates
16/4/2006 Public Authority for Youth and Sport
Tender No:1 / 2006 / 2007
Janitorial services at the Army Officers Club/Bneid Al-Gar
1/12/2005 Military Engineering Projects - Ministry of Defense
Tender No:6642904
Janitorial service at the Emiri Guard Detachments
6/7/2005 Military Engineering Projects - Ministry of Defense
Tender No:7502904
Janitorial services at the main transfer stations/Southern Region
12/11/2005 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وط/ك م/ع ص/3293/2005/2006
Messaging services and internal transport for the Ministry and its departments
25/3/2009 Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs
Tender No:2/2008/2009
Janitorial and waste disposal services for the secondary transfer stations in all regions of Kuwait
25/9/2004 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وط/ك م/ع ص/3120/2004/2005
Janitorial, Handling, Agricultural and Waste disposal from the main workshops Services/Subhan
25/6/2004 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/3088/ 2004/2005
Cleaning, portering and waste disposal services
11/10/2006 Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Tender No:99540
Janitorial, internal transport, internal communications and waste disposal services in all the ministry sectors
2/6/2007 Ministry of Planning
Tender No:21/2007/2008
Janitorial and waste disposal services at the main transfer stations/Northern region
2/6/2007 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ ع ص/2621/2007/2008
Janitorial, waste disposal and agricultural services in the external sites/Technical services
15/11/2003 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/2956/2003/2004
Janitorial & cafeteria services
8/4/2004 Kuwait Oil Tanker Company
Tender No:ADM-34/A
Hiring messengers to work in the Ministry's Subsidiary Sectors
20/7/2004 Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs
Tender No:26
Janitorial Services at the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Offices
29/7/2003 Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Tender No:م ب ك/خ/11/2002
Janitorial services at the main transfer stations/Northern region
12/4/2003 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/ 2760/2002/2003
Janitorial services at the secondary transfer stations in all Kuwait regions
25/9/2004 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/3120/2004/2005
Janitorial and handling services for the external sites for main workshops sector/Technical Services
21/12/2007 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:3669/2007/2008
Janitorial services in the facilities of the consumer affairs sector
16/5/2010 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م / ع ص 4125 /2010-2011
Providing specialized labor for the Administrative work in the Ministry and its affiliated sectors
25/3/2009 Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs
Tender No:72
Janitorial services for the Amiri Guard Brigade
14/9/2009 Ministry of Defense
Tender No:5672909
Janitorial services for buildings, offices and houses of the state employees housing management
15/7/2009 Ministry of Finance
Tender No:24538
Janitorial services for the Amiri Guard Brigade
21/10/2009 Ministry of Defense
Tender No:1222907
Internal messenger services
1/7/2010 Central Committee to Supervise the Implementation of Projects of Environmental Remediation
Tender No:4/2010-2011
Janitorial services of mosques and buildings in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governate
16/2/2011 Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs
Tender No:62
Janitorial services for the Public Authority for Civil Information Headquarters
7/6/2010 Public Authority for Civil Information
Tender No:827
Janitorial services for the monitoring and control centers (Jabriyah - Kuwait City - Sheaba - Jahra)
17/6/2010 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م/ع ص /4132/2010-2011
Janitorial services for the main transfer stations/Southern Region
4/5/2009 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م /ع ص 3934/2008-2009
Janitorial services for the secondary transfer stations/All Kuwait regions
23/5/2010 Ministry of Electricity & Water
Tender No:وك م /ع ص 3934/2008-2009